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Comfortable in my situation and always looking for new friends to enjoy. My girlfriend and I are interested in exploring their sexuality and fantazies!
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I am a big so if ur not into big girls dont message me. We are looking for other people who enjoy the outdoors and like to try most things at least once, probably twice. Seeking a friend with benefits and a kinky play partner. I've learned life's too short to not live every day to its fullest. Hey, Autumn here! Fun open lot's of sex and enjoy connecting sexually with a open mind to it relationship for including friends or name it if you like...Also just having fun enjoy friends etc...A girlfriend Long-term !
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Looking for occasional discreet meets with nice people. 0the type of guy I like most be into camping outside cause having sex outdoor is awesome, he should have a big muscular solid chest that really gets me hot and either green or blue eyes something I can look into while we are connected, have a similar personality as mi e into watching sports, rodeos, and people also into a more one tone basis but if hes more alpha than likes to be more dominant in bed ( let's just say my first man to man encounter was very aggressive and rough and I enjoyed it alot) I don't mind being a thirs person if he into it always wanted to try a group session with the right group of men from cowboys men in uniform, jocks,and other gym tones studs other than that take it as we see it. Sex-based relationship partner.

Not a fan of BDSM, cyber sex, or online sexting, would prefer to meet in person.
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Looking for new friends to girls in Salisbury, NC party with.
Spend the night in a new town, nice airbnb, nice drink, good smoke...
I'm open to most things. I'm chill and down to earth, you can usually find me at museums, art galleries and coffee shops.
Let me be your girl. Looking for a new friend/sex buddy, to get nasty and freaky with. Pale skin, either black hair or redhair.
Just like you ask and I'll answer girls in Salisbury, NC :).
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I am really easy going, looking for no drama. I'm a laidback guy open to all kinds of music especially if it sounds good. Fun loving, quiet at first but opens up quickly.
Will be adding photos girls in Salisbury, NC shortly.
Life is special and every day is worth living....we are outdoor people, travel the world, live life with enthusiasm.
PSA: I'm here for one thing and one thing only you know what that is.

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